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Cometic Honda K20A1 86.5mm Head Gasket .030 inch MLS Head Gasket

Cometic Honda K20A1 86.5mm Head Gasket .030 inch MLS Head Gasket


Category: Head Gaskets
Vendor: Cometic Gasket
You save 10% ($10.72)
Regular price $96.52
Regular price $107.24 Sale price $96.52
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4 in stock
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Cometic is dedicated to customer satisfaction and provides quality products, delivered on time at a competitive price, designed for each customer's specific application. Cometic is an industry leader in manufacturing processes and committed to pairing the highest possible quality materials with knowledgeable personnel. Cometic is also dedicated to continually improving all areas of its operations through employee development and involvement, as well as continual and comprehensive reviews of customer feedback. To ensure superior performance across a wide variety of engine types and sizes, Cometic manufactures gaskets from a comprehensive range of materials. Whether the situation calls for the latest in advanced technology like the MLS (Multi-Layer Steel) Gasket, or a synthetic blend such as Aramid Fiber, Cometic finds a solution. Cometic stays on the forefront of gasket design technology by utilizing in-house dynamometers and engine assembly rooms to bring its distributors, retailers and ultimately the end-user, the most reliable gaskets available today. Cometic combines advanced materials with the most current manufacturing processes to provide custom-tailored solutions to meet the needs of each individual customer. Engineers analyze the environment in which the gasket will perform, select the proper material, and apply the appropriate technology to offer the best-performing gaskets available in today's ever-changing marketplace. Cometic gaskets are the industry standard for championship-winning teams across multiple disciplines of both professional and amateur motorsports.

This Part Fits:

Year Make Model Submodel
2002-2006 Acura RSX Base
2002-2004 Acura RSX Type-S
2003-2005 Honda Accord DX
2003-2017 Honda Accord EX
2007-2019 Honda Accord EX-L
2003-2017 Honda Accord LX
2006 Honda Accord LX Special Edition
2008-2012 Honda Accord LX-P
2008-2017 Honda Accord LX-S
2005,2011-2012 Honda Accord SE
2007 Honda Accord Special Edition
2013-2019 Honda Accord Sport
2017 Honda Accord Sport Special Edition
2014,2016,2018-2019 Honda Accord Touring
2006-2007 Honda Accord Value Package
2016-2019 Honda Civic EX
2016-2019 Honda Civic LX
2016-2018 Honda Civic LX-P
2008 Honda Civic MUGEN Si
2002-2015 Honda Civic Si
2019 Honda Civic Sport
2017-2019 Honda Civic Type R
2002-2016 Honda CR-V EX
2007-2016 Honda CR-V EX-L
2002-2019 Honda CR-V LX
2005-2006,2011,2016 Honda CR-V SE
2015-2016 Honda CR-V Touring
2012-2015 Honda Crosstour EX
2012-2015 Honda Crosstour EX-L
2003-2004 Honda Element DX
2003-2011 Honda Element EX
2004-2011 Honda Element LX
2007-2010 Honda Element SC

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We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations. For international orders, please Contact Us. If you select US shipping rates and are shipping internationally, please be advised you will be contacted to compensate the difference in shipping fees.

Processing takes about 3 to 5 business days before your order ships. We do not process or ship orders on weekends. If you order an item that's on backorder, we will reach out with an estimated arrival time. If you have any questions about shipping make sure to email us at or call our reps today at 732-638-5268.

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Processing takes about 3 to 5 days before your order ships. Some orders may take longer than usual to process and ship. If you order an item that's on backorder, we will reach out with an estimated arrival time. Refunds are subject to a 20% restocking fee. Cancellations are subject to 10% cancellation/processing fee under no exceptions.

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Unless the product is manufactured by Tri-State Motorsports or TSM Race, ALL Warranties go through the Manufacturer directly. Please visit their official website and get in contact with them in regards to your warranty. We will supply you with any invoice or tracking information the manufacturer asks you for.

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TSM Bucks Info

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