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GForce - GF525 Jacket

GForce - GF525 Jacket


Category: Suits
Vendor: GForce
Regular price $179.00
Regular price Sale price $179.00
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G-FORCE Racing Gear is proud to introduce a new addition to the multi layer driver suit line in the GF-525 two-piece suit. The GF-525 Multi Layer, two piece suit is built as an addition to the G-FORCE Racing Gear suit line in order to offer another option to the multi layer market. The award winning GTex construction that has been used in all G-FORCE Racing Gear suits has been utilized to manufacture the GF-525 at specs that exceed the SFI 3.2A/5 specifications. The SFI 3.2a/5 tag is included and has been moved to the left arm cuff so that tech inspectors can easily see the certification.

The multi layers of this suit have been produced with a proprietary blend of Pyrovatex® fabric and classified materials to achieve the TPP rating of 21. The inner layer of the GF-525 is a comfortable bend that wicks moisture from the skin while providing a breathable feel. As the pictures show, the GF-525 comes with an attractive semi-gloss finish. With the semi-gloss finish, as a driver the wearer can stand out and be noticed. The clean color styles of the GF-525 give a finished look to attract both fans and potential sponsors. The shoulders of the GF-525 come accented with straight, black epaulets that give the driver a crisp edge to the apex of the shoulder line so that you portray the consummate racer.

The GF-525 comes standard with 360 degree, knit arm gussets. These flexible shoulder-to-arm junctions provide the full range of motion so that your responses are instant. The pants for this two-piece suit come standard with double adjustable sizing tabs to offer a range of sizes. The legs of the GF-525 are finished with hidden cuffs under a wide, boot cuff pant leg. The boot cuff mirrors today’s trends and proves, just like your racing technology, your styles match the latest advancements.

The pockets of the GF-525 are inset or sewn inside to hide seams and provide more usable space with a cleaner design. The GF-525 is perfect for those wishing to distance themselves from the pack without breaking the bank.

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Processing takes about 3 to 5 days before your order ships. Some orders may take longer than usual to process and ship. If you order an item that's on backorder, we will reach out with an estimated arrival time. Refunds are subject to a 20% restocking fee. Cancellations are subject to 10% cancellation/processing fee under no exceptions.

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